Betrayed by God?

Making Sense of Your Expectations

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Price: $14.99

About This Product 

Heartbreak. Disappointment. Betrayal. These are words every woman is familiar with. They may have first been experienced in high school, when one young teen loses her best friend because of a silly fight. Or in college, when a supposedly-perfect boyfriend suddenly ends a very serious relationship. Or in adulthood, when jobs are lost, divorces break families apart, or children fall a path of destruction. Heartbreak. Disappointment. Betrayal. Life as we know it has fallen apart. And we're blaming God for not preventing it.

In Betrayed by God?, author Shana Schutte invites readers to take an honest look at themselves and their relationships with God. Through honest exploration and sound biblical wisdom, she helps readers determine why they feel betrayed when life began to hurt. With hope and help for the hurting, she gives women practical tools and encouragement as they make sense of their expectations and find healing through a loving God.

 192 pages.