The Mosaic Experiment

Bringing Old Testament Practices Out of Retirement

Produced by: The House Studio
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Price: $14.99

About This Product Who begins reading a book from the middle? Or fast-forwards through the first half of a movie?

And yet as Christians we have often skipped straight to the New Testament because we think the Old Testament is dry, dusty and outdated.

But the truth is, the Old Testament is a living narrative of the same fierce and holy God that is changing us today.

The Mosaic Experiment revisits some of the ancient practices that are still relevant to kingdom living in the 21st century—pilgrimage, scapegoats, cities of refuge, and a few others are a picture of what it looks like when old truths and current culture collide.

Not your typical small group book, this 6-8 week journey will make you get down and dirty—Moses style.

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