Part of the Series:

The Beatitudes

Living a Blessed Life, Participant's Guide

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Participant's Guide
Price: $9.99

About This Product Do you look at the Beatitudes as a list of different kinds of Christians with different strengths?

Many people do. Yet in this scripture, Jesus actually paints a consistent portrait of citizens of the Kingdom who are:
  • utterly dependent on God
  • repentant
  • humble
  • driven by the desire for righteousness
  • merciful
  • pure in motives and intent
  • actively seeking peace and justice

Discover why those who live as described in the Beatitudes are likely to find themselves bothat odds with, and misunderstood by cultures built on radically different assumptions. Learn why, though we are blessed to be members of a differentkingdom, we will still face difficulties for the sake of righteousness.

The DIALOG SERIES offers Bible-based, life related studiesfor small groups, Sunday school classes, or personal discoveries. Each 7-week study is written by qualified and thought-provoking Christian thinkers topromote community and growth in Christ. 64 pages.  
Sample: The Beatitudes, Participant's Guide