Part of the Series:
Life Journey


By: Marla Smith Wolfe
Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product This unit is designed to help students grow in one of the most important Christian disciplines-their prayer lives. Through this unit on prayer, your students will understand the purpose of prayer and practice prayer together.

Lesson 1: Seeking God--This lesson is designed to help your students grasp that God is love, not injustice. It will show them how to get in touch with Him face-to-face and how to develop a trusting relationship with Him through prayer. (Luke 18:1-8)

Lesson 2: Attitude Check--This lesson is designed to teach teens that humility in prayer honors God and helps them grow in their relationship with Him while self-righteous prayers have no place in the lives of a growing Christian. (Luke 18:9-14)

Lesson 3: Think Before You Pray--This lesson is designed to help your teens recognize that while God is holy, they can still feel confident and comfortable when talking to Him. The Lord's Prayer serves as a good example of how to do this. (Matthew 6:5-15)

Lesson 4: I'm Right Here--This lesson is designed to teach teens that when they pray knowing that God understand their disappointments, confusion, and emotions, they are empowered to trust Him even in the difficult times. (Matthew 26:36-46) Topics: Adoration, Arrogance, Attitudes of the Heart, God's Timing, Humility, Injustice, Intercession, Justice, Lord's Prayer, Persistence, Praise, Prayer Life, Seeking God, Thanksgiving, prayer, submission  
Lesson 1: Seeking God -- SAMPLE
Handout 1: Justice Is Served -- SAMPLE