Part of the Series:
Toe Jam

Get Real

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product This month of lessons will deal with such issues as 1) having genuine faith 2) resting in God 3) living honestly and 4) and making time for God.

Session 1: Get Real--This lesson will explore the necessity of living a true and genuine faith. Students will begin to think how they are being watched by the world. They are called to represent God in a real, honest way. Because of this, their lives must reflect his holiness. This lesson challenges students to examine their lives for ways they can live their faith to those around them.

Session 2: In God's Hands--This lesson will encourage students to rest in the knowledge that God is watching over them, keeping them in His hands. He has given them talents, and with His help, they are able to use them to affect change in their world. This lesson will remind students that God will be with them as they do His will, using their gifts to glorify Him.

Session 3: Honest Living--This lesson will discuss the importance of honesty in all aspects of life. If no one else finds out, God knows. If no one else is hurt, God is hurt. He expects integrity from His children, and when we lie, we sadden Him. This lesson challenges your students to live an upright, honest life for God.

Session 4: Time for God--This lesson will compel your students to reexamine their priorities. Does the amount of time they spend with God correspond to they relationship they say they have with Him? What should your students do to fix this if they don't reflect one another? This lesson will remind students to put God in a place of prominence in their daily schedule. Topics: Direction, Genuine Faith, Genuineness, Honesty, Hypocrisy, Hypocrite, Priorities, Real or Being Real, Rest and Relaxation, Time, Time Management  

Session 1 - Get Real SAMPLE