Perfectly Imperfect, NT, Small Group DVD

Character Sketches from the New Testament

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Digital Resource (DVD/CD)
Price: $29.99

About This Product Perfectly Imperfect is about people whose true-to-life stories are found in the New Testament. They are like us in many ways--confused, tempted, and often afraid, but then they meet Jesus, and their lives are wonderfully transformed.

Included are a facilitator s guide and these seven videos:

Week 1 - Joseph
Instant Obedience--Obedience to God is not always easy, but it deepens our trust in him and allows us to share in the joy of brining his kingdom to earth.

Week 2 - Gerasene Demoniac
Dead Pigs--Transformation is often costly, but Christ shows us how to live--with the help of the Holy Spirit--lives of love and self-sacrifice for the kingdom.

Week 3 - The Generous Widow
Generosity is an act of worship and celebration flowing out of our gratitude for the love God has lavished on us. By giving we express our love for God and deepen our relationship with him.

Week 4 - Mary
Broken and Spilled Out--The extravagant and beautiful ways God pours himself out for us should move us to respond to him with the same unreserved love.

Week 5 - Stephen
The Heavenly Vision--Salvation is not only about living in a heavenly place after we die but also about experience eternity here and now and witnessing with our lives to the good news of Christ.

Week 6 - Philip and the Ethiopian
Divine Appointments--By training ourselves to see, hear, and obey the Holy Spirit, we will better discern the way God is moving in the world and become fuller participants in his great redemptive work.

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