Part of the Series:
Toe Jam

The Global Church

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product 

Session 1: We Are The Body-- As Christians, we are part of the larger body of Christ. We are not only the Body of Christ in America, but we are a global Body of believers! Everyone has different gifts and abilities. Every gift is important, and every person is vital in building the kingdom of God.

Session 2: Love in Motion--God has called us to action. The Bible gives clear examples that love is not a mushy feeling, but it is something that motivates us to act. God's love drives us to not just see people in need, but to do something about it. We often become self-absorbed and need to be challenged to look outside ourselves to see the real needs of people around us.

Session 3: Brain Drain-- The world is shrinking every day. Teens are exposed to many different philosophies and religions; because of this students have developed their own melting pot of beliefs. Rather than tolerate another person's belief system, teens now are accepting it and even allowing their belief system to become part of their own.

Session 4: Rules of War-- We face spiritual battles every day. God has given us an armor to help us fight this battle. The key is putting the armor on! However, there are times when we put the armor on and grow weary. We grow discouraged, and we feel like we can't go on.