Grace-Full Leadership

Understanding the Heart of a Christian Leader

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About This Product When Christ said, "Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all" (Mark 10:43-44, NIV), He redefined the world of management for the Christian leader.

No longer focused on bottom lines, demographics, and profit margins, Christ presents the paradigm of the washbowl and towel, the heart of a servant.

Leadership within the life of the Christian community is, or ought to be, different from the world's ideal of leadership in practice and principle.

In Grace-Full Leadership, explore the leadership qualities and practices that are distinct within the community of Christian leadership. Discover, when managing first as a Christian and second as a leader, how your company or organization can grow exponentially in spiritual gains—an eternity of difference from today's capital gains. Paper. 144 pages.  
Sample Chapter: Grace-Full Leadership