
Leader of Moral Restoration

Edited by: Jeannie McCullough
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Price: $14.99

About This Product Moral decay, hedonistic lifestyle, political controversy.

Characteristics from contemporary culture? For the Hebrew people exiled to Babylon in 539 B. C., those words typified the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed.

Imagine being away from your homeland so long that the strange landscape, foreign people, and pagan customs are now familiar and comfortable-and the land of your birth seems nothing more than a distant dream. God's Word and your Jewish faith in Him have faded into memory.

This is the regrettable situation the Hebrew people found themselves in. And when the impossible happened-a decree allowing them to return to their homeland-God planted a holy desire in the hearts of many Jews to return. Additionally, He commissioned the scribe Ezra to lead the return and, more importantly, to teach his people to love God and His Word once again.

This ten-week Bible study examines the fascinating return of the Jewish people to their homes-and their faith-as they take a fresh look at the God of the ages. Each lesson provides challenging insights into the cultural, historical and Biblical background of the book of Ezra. God's master design for His people is revealed once again as He continues to address a world in desperate need of moral restoration. Paper. 88 pages.  
Sample Lesson: Ezra, Leader of Moral Restoration
Sample Page: Ezra (pg. 1)
Sample Page: Ezra (pg. 2)
Sample Page: Ezra (pg. 3)
Sample Page: Ezra (pg. 4)