Part of the Series:
College Chat

Whole Life Stewards

By: Bruce Oldham
Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product Lesson 1: Stewards of the Kingdom--Implied in the creation was God's intended destiny and purpose for all of His creation to bring glory to himself. That purpose was perverted in the fall of humanity into sin. The choice to follow Christ, to be reconciled to God, is to enter into the kingdom of God and to be restored to the purpose. To do so is to become a part of a new world order, with both individual and societal implications to be carried out. (Gen 1:26-28; Matt 24:45-51; Ac 17:24-28; Ph 3:17-21)

Lesson 2: Is There Ever Enough Time?--The Scriptures indicate that God also wishes for us to use our time wisely. Being a good steward includes stewardship of time for God's purposes. Yet what does God have in mind for our time? Is it to produce at all costs? What are His priorities for the way we spend our lives? How do those concerns fit into the personality of each of those who follow Him? (Lk 10:38-42; 1 Co 7:29; Eph 5:15-17; Col 3:23; 4:2-5)

Lesson 3: A New View of Blessing--The focus of this session goes a step beyond mere how-to's to exploring the root of what God's wisdom really is when it comes to possessions. Creating a new view of what it means to be blessed is the starting point for truly being good stewards of financial resources. (Lk 10:25-35; 12:13-34; Ac 20:32-35; 2 Co 9; Eph 1:3)

Lesson 4: My Body, His Temple--Young adults often struggle with stewardship issues when it comes to their bodies. There is often a gap between what they know to be true and what they are doing. Yet if we belong to Him, it belongs to Him. (Ps 8:5; 139:13-18; 1 Co 6:12-20; Eph 5:28-29; 1 Th 4:3-8)

Lesson 5: The Earth Is the Lord's; Use It Wisely!--Ecology is not the only issue for those of us concerned about the proper management of mother earth. We must look for ways to serve and preserve so that God's provision for us here on planet Earth actually accomplishes its intent of providing for our needs. (Gen 1-2; Ps 104; Rom 8:18-25)  

Lesson 1: Stewards of the Kingdom -- SAMPLE
Handouts 1: Whole Life Stewards; Four Freedoms -- SAMPLE
College Chat 1: Stewards of the Kingdom -- SAMPLE