Part of the Series:
College Chat

The Bible's Wisdom Literature

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product This unit takes young adults through a study of four books of wisdom literature in the Old Testament: Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. These lessons enable students to better understand how the wisdom books can speak effectively to the issues of our day.

Lesson 1: Proverbs: How to Succeed in Life--Teaches young adults about the Book of Proverbs. It examines questions of authorship, form, content, and meaning. It ultimately concludes that God created the world with wisdom, so if one observes the created world to understand what works and what doesn't, and then follows that "advice," success in life is assured. (Selected passages from Proverbs)

Lesson 2: Job: A Definition of Faith--Examines the Book of Job. It provides authorial and historical background information, and it explores the meanings behind Job's story. This lesson deals with the questions of why we suffer and why God allows suffering. Young adults will explore what it means to have faith in a God whose freedom is impossible to fully understand. (Selected passages from Job, especially chapters 1-2 and 38-42)

Lesson 3: Ecclesiastes: An Observer Searches for Meaning and Balance--Seeks to reconcile the pessimism of Ecclesiastes with the overall message of hope found in the Bible. Young people will examine the message of wisdom in Ecclesiastes, ideally reaching a balanced perspective on life and a proper view of God, possessions, and priorities. (Selected passages from Ecclesiastes)

Lesson 4: Song of Solomon: A Look at Love--Tackles one of the most intriguing and misunderstood books of the Bible and grapples with questions of its meaning. Young people will examine different theories of its authorship and of its proper interpretation, and they will look at how the Song of Solomon applies to love today. (Selected passages from Song of Solomon) Topics: Ecclesiastes, Faith, Freedom, Hope, Job, Love, Old Testament, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs, Suffering, Widsdom Literature, Wisdom  

Lesson 1: Proverbs: How to Succeed in Life -- SAMPLE
Handout 1: What's Your Advice? -- SAMPLE
College Chat 1: Proverbs: How to Succeed in Life -- SAMPLE