Part of the Series:
Faith and Film

Superman Returns

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product 
This series of lessons on Superman Returns revolves around the issues of grace, salvation, the image of a Savior, and the identity of Christ. As you work through each installment you will encounter issues like 1) why the world needs a Savior,2) why Jesus chose to be the Suffering Servant,3) what the power of the Son can do, and 4) finding the true face of Christ when the Father becomes the Son.

Lesson 1: Why the World needs a Savior--This lesson expresses the necessity of Christ when encountering true salvation. All without Him are lost whether they know it or not. (Romans 3:21-31)

Lesson 2: The Suffering Servant--This lesson's purpose is to reshape the image of the true Savior in the minds of the group. Christ gave up his "super powers" in order to save the world. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Philippians 2:1-11)

Lesson 3: The Power of the Son--This lesson will serve as a reminder for the student of where true strength comes from and where one must go in order to be restored and redeemed. It is important everyday to live a God-charged life. (Philippians 4:10-20)

Lesson 4: The Father becomes the Son--This lesson deals with understanding and embracing the true identity of a man named Jesus as the Son of God, and what it means for the student to be a child of God as well. (John 5:16-23) Topics: Grace, Identity, Power of God, Salvation, Strength  

Lesson 1: Why the World Needs a Savior -- SAMPLE