Part of the Series:
Toe Jam

Truly Gifted

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product 

Session 1: Everybody Can Make a Difference--In our western culture, it seems bigger is always better: a bigger hamburger, more gigabytes, larger than life fame, etc. Even Christians can get caught up in having to have bigger ministries, with more excitement and entertainment. But the gifts God has given us don't usually reveal themselves in big ways. Simple parables such as the widow who gives two coins--all she has--is evidence that Jesus has something other than bigger, louder, and faster in mind. Ironically, we can all make a HUGE difference, when we think small.

Session 2: Everyday Things- We can miss out on the messages and lessons God has for us in the everyday stuff of life because our minds are elsewhere. We are busy, focused, and/or have a plan we want to accomplish so we don't see the meaning in the things that are happening around us. Sometimes we don't see the needs of others. This is not how our Christian life is supposed to be. We are not supposed to leave Jesus out of areas of our lives. Our relationship with Jesus means we allow Him to be a part of everything that we do and say.

Session 3: Bodies Matter--Eating disorders and drug and alcohol abuse are well known problems. They are certainly harmful to bodies, yet so are over eating, lack of physical exercise, and eating unhealthy foods. While taking care of our spiritual health is extremely important, we also have a responsibility to take care of our physical body because it is a temple, housing the spirit within it.

Session 4: Go For It--It is easy to go after what we want and what is easy to do, but what we want and what is easy is not always the right thing. Hard has become a four letter word. Difficult is seen as something to run away from. Some of God's work is hard and answering His calling will definitely stretch us.  

Sample Lesson - Everyone Can Make a Difference