Part of the Series:
Toe Jam

Spiritual Battles

Produced by: Barefoot Ministries
In Stock
Downloadable Bible Study
Price: $8.00

About This Product 

Session 1: A Higher Standard--: When portions of the Bible speak about how to dress in church, we sometimes label those parts as cultural. When the Bible addresses matters such as marriage, alcohol use, and temper, we can be tempted to shy away from applying the truth of the Word. If we're not careful we can miss the big picture: God calls us to high standards of conduct-a life of holiness.

Session 2: Be My Valentine-- Agape love is not the first instinct of teenagers. Gossip, cruel words, nasty notes, hateful glances, and the cold shoulder can prompt a defensive posture, swift retribution, and hurt feelings that seem as if they will never heal. This Bible study will focus on several scriptures that powerfully demonstrate God's love, a love without limits that is freely offered to all who will receive it.

Session 3: Prepared for Battle-- It's been said that the best defense is a good offense. This maxim may be true in our spiritual lives as well, but the weapons of spiritual warfare are much different, the battle is different, and turf we are defending is much different. When we are outfitted with the Armor of God, we are able to stand against the devil's schemes. Each element is important to our spiritual well-being and vital to our success in spiritual battle. This Bible study will focus on God's plan to equip us to win the spiritual battles we each face every day.

Easter Preparation-- Easter is a high day of celebration on the church calendar, but it often goes the way of summer camp highs-people are pumped up for a while, but things soon settle back down to "normal." In the case of Easter, church attendance has usually returned to normal by the following Sunday! When any subject is taught on a recurring basis, it can lose its edge. Easter is too important to suffer this fate. This Bible study will focus on finding the power and the uniqueness in the annual springtime celebration we call Easter. Topics: Armor of God, Easter, God's Love, Holiness, Leader, Love, Priorities, Spiritual Life, Spiritual Warfare